Hi! I'm Colin Jackson and this is my web site.  I am an IT consultant in Wellington, New Zealand.

I have over twenty years' experience as a technologist, covering IT policy, the Internet, IT strategy, project management and IT security.

In 1995 I set up the first ever New Zealand government web server.
Since then, I have been at the forefront of the Internet and e-government in New Zealand.

In 1996 I co-founded InternetNZ, a voluntary body dedicated to preserving an open and uncapturable Internet in New Zealand.  In July 2006, I was elected to be its president.

I have also been chair of the NZOC, which oversees the operation of the .nz domain.

I do:
I also run a sideline of generating Thoughts for the Day.

Contact me by email to or call me on

(+64) 021 393 685